MIT Bryant Miller

MIT Bryant Miller

Bryant Miller, the son of Julio Gilkes and Christy Miller. The Grandson of Gladys Miller and the late Curtis L. Miller Sr. Bryant graduated from Rolesville High School in Wake County. While in high school he was Captain of the football team and Homecoming King.

Bryant has been a member of Redeeming Love Missionary Baptist Church since 2005 and chose to accept Christ on his own at the age of 8, being baptized by Redeeming Love’ s founding Pastor, the late Rev. Dr. T.K. Ashley.

While serving as the 1st Jr. Trustee and Jr. Deacon, Bryant accepted his call into the ministry at 17 years old. He became a minister-in-training at Redeeming Love in the summer of 2018 under the leadership of Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Mark T. Gibson.

At Redeeming Love, Bryant has been active in the Usher ministry, youth mime ministry, youth and young adult praise team, and choir. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Ambassadors For Christ (AFC). Bryant is a respectful young man who has the heart of a servant. He believes that we are all called to serve the kingdom of God before we are called to any capacity in ministry.

Bryant is like a sponge, soaking up all the knowledge he can. Bryant aspires to complete his Bachelor’s Degree in Arts and then pursue a Master’s Degree in Divinity.

One of the important statements Bryant follows is, “God doesn’t call the qualified, God qualifies the called.

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